Polityka Ujawniania Partnerskich

Polityka Ujawniania Partnerskich

W SavingSays.pl pasjonujemy się pomaganiem Ci w oszczędzaniu na tym, co kochasz. Współpracujemy z różnymi detalistami i markami, aby dostarczać Ci najlepsze oferty, kupony i rabaty. Czasami zarabiamy prowizję za polecenie klientów za pośrednictwem naszych linków. Niniejsza Polityka Ujawniania Programów Partnerskich wyjaśnia, jak zarządzamy tymi partnerstwami i utrzymujemy transparentność wobec naszych czytelników.

AMAZON Affiliate Disclosure Policy

SavingSays.in is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for sites to earn advertising fees by advertising and linking to Amazon.com.

What We Don’t Do:

  • Fake Endorsements: We only recommend products and services we genuinely believe in, regardless of affiliate partnerships. We research deals thoroughly and base our recommendations on quality, value, and reader interest.
  • Hidden Relationships: We won’t obscure or try to hide our affiliate partnerships. Transparency is key to building trust with our readers.
  • Pressure Purchases: We never pressure you to buy anything. Our mission is to provide you with resources and information, and ultimately, the decision to purchase is yours.

Changes & Questions:

  • This policy may be updated at any time, so please check back periodically.
  • If you have any questions about our Affiliate Disclosure Policy, feel free to contact us at info[at]SavingSays.in. We’re always happy to chat!

By using SavingSays.in, you acknowledge that you have read and understood this Affiliate Disclosure Policy. We appreciate your trust and support, and we’re committed to providing you with a valuable and transparent experience.